Unlock Astrology

Consultations to Gain Insight Into Yourself or Your Circumstances

About Unlock Astrology Consultations

Sometimes life comes at us from so many directions that it’s hard to know where to focus and when. My astrology sessions help clients prioritize and direct their intentions for better results. I’m an astrologer who combines street-wise insights with heavenly movements for smarter, healthier, and more prosperous living.

Although I work in a “new age” field, I’ve never had much patience for woo. My background from Buffalo’s hardened East side, North Philly, and New York City’s “Do or Die” Bed-Stuy prompts me to look for nitty-gritty, real-world descriptions, and understandings of the heavens. Fortunately, my sense of awe for the mysteries of life keeps me attuned to the miracles that burst through modern life’s concrete.

This is how I'm able to use astrology, to the amazement and delight of my clients, to pinpoint thorny issues and blindspots that they’ve found hard to discuss, discern, or own.

Your "Reading" Starts With a Consultation

It starts with a consultation. A consultation is a conversation I have with you for either 30 or 60 minutes using astrology.  I prefer to call what I do consultations rather than "readings," because a reading implies I'm just looking at your chart and reading it rather than consulting with you about it.  How I conduct during either of these consultation is what's listed below, and it's up to you as to which kind you want or need. There are several different branches of astrology I can use during a consultation. I sometimes even mix in a few of them, depending on the client's needs.

I currently have two kinds of consultations: a partial (30-minute) and a full (60-minute) consultation.

Full Consultation comes with an hour-long session recorded in an mp4 format for you to download. I'm currently using Dropbox to send the file. You must download it within seven days before it expires.

Partial Consultation comes with 30 minutes to explore a question, issue, or area of life that's pressing. It's unrecorded, but you're welcome to take notes or record it independently.

Available Consulting Topics

Click the arrow next to the name of the branch of astrology that can be used during your 30-minute or 1-hour consult.

  • Natal Chart Analysis

    I use this form of astrology 98% of the time. With it, I explain your unique set of instructions based on the time, date, and location of your birth. From your “natal” chart, I can forecast some likely (or unlikely) events that may surface in your life at particular times.

  • Horary Astrology

    This method of astrology is most useful when you have a particular, time-sensitive question or issue with which to contend. How it works is that an astrologer creates an astrological chart to examine one specific question that may not be quickly addressed from your natal chart (or your unique set of instructions). This form of astrology is like most other forms of divination you may know, like Tarot or Ifa from the Yoruba or Santeria traditions. A sample question would be, “Will I get the job I interviewed for on Tuesday?” You can see this question is very specific and time-sensitive.

    Another thing to note about horary astrology is that it should be something meaningful and specific to you or your life. It’s not for asking, “Will the Jets win tomorrow?” unless you’re on the team or a coach. For example, horary astrology doesn’t care if you have money on the game. If an issue or question is not directly your concern or business, this practice will be of little use to you. 

    If you’re interested in this form of astrology, I could coach you on how to ask your question to yield the most helpful result. For instance, “should” questions are to be avoided because you’re seeking to divine an action that’s squarely in your control or ethical power. A “should” implies that this action is out of your control. If that were true, then asking a horary question would be useless anyway.

  • Electional Astrology

    I use this form of astrology to figure out the most favorable and best time to “elect” when to start or do something, like have a grand opening, a wedding, or other significant action. If it’s something that has a beginning or an ending, astrology can help you time a good time for it.

  • Synastry-Compatibility

    I use this astrology aspect to determine the areas of difficulty and comfort you can expect with another person, whether a relative, colleague, business partner, or romantic/life partner. I need as much birth data of the people involved (birth date, birth time, and city (not parish for Caribbean friends) as possible. For couples, I have a unique way of calculating your compatibility by evaluating five areas of life and assigning a numerical value from 1-5 (based on astrological configurations) - 1 for low favorability and 5 for high favorability. Those five areas are temperament, communication, sexuality, purpose, and daily living.

  • Astro-Locality/Astro-Carto-Graphy

    Using astrology, we can discover which countries, cities, areas of a town, or region would work best with your chart. It’s compatibility applied to spaces instead of other people. Many people who think about where to vacation or relocate benefit from using this form of astrology. For this kind of consultation, I need the names of 1-10 of the locations you’d like to have evaluated for your own personal connection to those places. Also, have in mind your intention(s) for the places you’d like to have assessed, that is, in terms of career, love, comfort, relaxation, or inspiration, for example. I don’t do blanket evaluations for the entire globe, like “Where would I be happy in the world?” I can use any of these forms of astrology to help you in a consultation.

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Are you seeking to gain better insight into yourself and your current circumstances? Do you need clarity about a specific situation? Or maybe you're ready to start the healing journey to becoming your best and most fulfilled self. An Unlock Astrology reading can provide the guidance you seek in a powerful but easy-to-understand format. 

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